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So, take a stroll down memory lane to remember all of our past Word of the Year selections. Change It wasn't trendy , funny, nor was it coined on Twitter , but we thought change told a real story about how our users defined Unlike in , change was no longer a campaign slogan.

But, the term still held a lot of weight. Here's an excerpt from our Word of the Year announcement in The national debate can arguably be summarized by the question: In the past two years, has there been enough change? Has there been too much? Meanwhile, many Americans continue to face change in their homes, bank accounts and jobs. Only time will tell if the latest wave of change Americans voted for in the midterm elections will result in a negative or positive outcome.

Tergiversate This rare word was chosen to represent because it described so much of the world around us. These events form the basis of the analyses presented here. The baseline characteristics of the women were similar in the two treatment groups Table 1 Table 1 Baseline Characteristics of the Women Included in the Analysis. The median time from discontinuation of trastuzumab to randomization was 5.

The median duration of previous treatment with trastuzumab was 42 weeks in the combination-therapy group and 44 weeks in the monotherapy group. The median daily doses of administered capecitabine per cycle were mg per square meter of body-surface area in the combination-therapy group and mg per square meter in the monotherapy group. The median daily dose of lapatinib in the combination-therapy group was mg.

Compliance with the timing of the assessment schedule was similar in the two groups Figure 1 of the Supplementary Appendix. Interim Analysis of Disease-Progression Events On March 20, , the data and safety monitoring committee reviewed the interim analysis based on disease-progression events.

Forty-five disease-progression events occurred in the combination-therapy group and 69 occurred in the monotherapy group hazard ratio for disease progression, 0. The one-sided P value of 0. Primary End-Point Analysis after Data Validation After the data validation, the analyses were repeated on the basis of the disease-progression events assessed by the independent reviewers. Progressive disease accounted for of the events; 20 were breast cancer—related deaths.

Forty-nine disease-progression events occurred in the combination-therapy group, and 72 occurred in the monotherapy group hazard ratio, 0. The median time to progression was 8. A Cox regression model indicated that the only significant effect on time to progression was the treatment assignment. Although the assumption of proportional hazards was not met, the model indicated that the average hazard ratio for the combination therapy as compared with capecitabine alone was 0.

Forty-nine events disease progression or death from any cause occurred in the combination-therapy group, and 76 occurred in the monotherapy group hazard ratio for disease progression or death from any cause in the combination-therapy group, 0. Thirty-six deaths occurred in the combination-therapy group, and 35 occurred in the monotherapy group hazard ratio, 0. Supportive Analyses An analysis of the investigator-assessed time to progression, based on the date of disease progression or death due to breast cancer, was conducted for the first of the reported disease-progression events.

The subsequent 13 events were censored for this analysis. Investigators reported 59 disease-progression events in the combination-therapy group and 74 in the monotherapy group hazard ratio for disease progression in the combination-therapy group, 0.

The median time to progression was 5. The primary reasons for differences were alternative interpretations of lesions and selection of different lesions by reviewers. In a sensitivity analysis with the use of the earliest disease-progression event assessed by the investigator or by the independent reviewers, there were events: The most common adverse events were diarrhea, the hand—foot syndrome, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and rash that was distinct from the hand—foot syndrome.

Most adverse events were grade 1, 2, or 3. One case each of grade 4 fatigue, headache, and dizziness was reported in the monotherapy group. Diarrhea, dyspepsia, and rash occurred more often in the group of women who received combination therapy.

Five women had a fatal adverse event: The death of one woman in the monotherapy group, who had diarrhea, vomiting, and small-bowel obstruction, was deemed by the investigator to be related to drug toxicity.

Cardiac Safety Asymptomatic cardiac events were identified in four women in the combination-therapy group and in one woman in the monotherapy group. All of these events in the combination-therapy group were considered to be related to treatment, and all women had an LVEF value that was at or above the lower limit of the normal range on subsequent assessment.

Prinzmetal's angina developed in one of the four women. It resolved when the study treatment was permanently discontinued, but there was a subsequent drop in the LVEF. An asymptomatic cardiac event occurred in one of the four women after tumor progression, and in the remaining two women, treatment with lapatinib was resumed at a dose of mg daily without recurrence of a cardiac event.

The cardiac event in the monotherapy group was deemed to be unrelated to treatment and did not resolve. There were no symptomatic cardiac events, and lapatinib was not discontinued because of a decrease in the LVEF.

There were no differences in the mean LVEF values between the two groups at scheduled assessments Figure 2 of the Supplementary Appendix. Discussion This phase 3, randomized study compared lapatinib plus capecitabine with capecitabine alone in women with advanced, progressive HER2-positive breast cancer who had received multiple previous treatments.

The early reporting boundary for superiority was crossed. On the basis of the efficacy analysis and the absence of concern about safety, the data and safety monitoring committee recommended terminating enrollment and reporting the results.

To minimize ascertainment bias, the determination of the primary end point time to progression was based on an assessment of disease status by independent reviewers under blinded conditions. This design is consistent with the guidelines of the Food and Drug Administration. The sensitivity analysis provides support for the strength of the findings. As compared with capecitabine alone, lapatinib plus capecitabine was not associated with an increase in either serious toxic effects or rates of discontinuation related to adverse events.

There were no withdrawals from treatment due to declines in LVEF, no cases of congestive heart failure, and no decreases in the mean LVEF values in the group receiving lapatinib. Strassburg, Lian Zhang, Hans H. Current Medical Research and Opinion Paul Wright, Katherine E.

Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery Patel, Varun Ektare, Floris A. Cancer Treatment Reviews 50, Journal of Surgical Research Cancer Research and Treatment Journal of Clinical Investigation Current Oncology Reports CrossRef Aimee L. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology CrossRef Niek A. Makary, Kenzo Hirose, Timothy M.

Pawlik, Jin He, Christopher L. Experimental and Molecular Pathology CrossRef Sunhee S. Kirkwood, Ryutaro Hirose, Margaret A. Is radiation necessary in the modern era of chemotherapy?. Journal of Surgical Oncology A Markov decision analysis. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology CrossRef Awalpreet S.

Chadha, Allison Khoo, Maureen L. Seminars in Radiation Oncology CrossRef Marie K. Ramaker, Jason Gertz, Nicholas S. CrossRef Walid L.

Shaib, Natalyn Hawk, Richard J. Sarmiento, Jerome Landry, Bassel F. Ritch, Ben George, Abdul H. Khan, Beth Erickson, Douglas B. Importance of Locoregional Therapies for a Systemic Disease. Journal of Oncology Practice CrossRef David P.

CrossRef Christopher R.

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